Benjamin Veritonicornishinko Evidocominko Oskichuk was a very short giraffe, with a very long name. His mother was tall and lean with very long legs. His father was tall and was known for his strength and his very long neck. He could reach the highest branches of the nearby trees. Benjamin had a very short neck and very short legs.
Poor little Ben had to rely on others to share those tender green sprouts that he loved so much. He looked up, high up and yearned to have very long legs and a very long neck. He could often be seen nibbling on grass and weeds that were sometimes trampled on by heavy old elephants.
Time went by and mother giraffe kept waiting and watching to see if little Benjamin would grow tall and strong like his father. But alas, as much as little Ben would stretch his neck as long as he could, it just settled right back to its little, short self.
Mother giraffe said, “What shall we do?”
And father replied, “We both want our little Benjamin to be able to love himself just as he is.”
“But”, mother responded, “what if he gets bullied?”

Mother and father Giraffe decided to make a plan for Benjamin Veritonicornishinko Evidocominko Oskichuk. But first, they made a list of all the things that Benny was unable to do that most other young giraffes just take for granted. The most important thing of all was that mother and father giraffe wanted Benjamin to be able to reach the tender leaves high up on the nearby trees.
“We need to teach Benny how to climb,” said mother giraffe.
Father giraffe said, “What a great idea. I will teach Benny how to climb.” And he did.
Benny wrapped his short legs around the trunk of the tree and scooted up a little at a time until he reached the top where those tender leaves made his mouth feel sweet. When he had his fill, Benny soon learned that getting back down to the ground would take more practice. The first few times he tried, he skinned his knee and once he had a big bump on his head. But he was very determined, and soon he mastered that, too. Mother and father giraffe were very proud of their son.
Father giraffe said, “Benny is very smart. I bet we could teach him to dance.”
Mother laughed, “What in heaven’s name good would that do?”
Father giraffe had a faraway look in his eyes. “Have you ever seen a giraffe dance?”
“Well, no,” said mother giraffe, “but, I could teach him. Maybe he wouldn’t be quite so shy.”
Mother giraffe called out, “Benjamin, come here.” Benny ran to his mother as quickly as his short little legs could manage.
“Yes, Mommy?”
“Would you like to learn to dance, Benny?”
“What is that?” Benny replied.
“I can teach you how to move your legs, your head and your tail to the beat of music.”
“Oh yes, mother. I would like to learn to dance.”
And so, every morning after breakfast, Benny and his mother and father would gather in the grassy space between five rather tall trees. Father would sing a variety of tunes and mother showed Benny how to follow the beat by moving his legs, swaying to the sounds, and sometimes jumping from one foot to another. Benny giggled and sometimes joined in the singing.
He loved to dance and sing. He practiced every single day, and soon he was making up his own moves. He stood on one leg and twirled around, then tapped each foot against the ground. He swayed and sang and tried to whistle. The sound of the wind in the trees seemed to provide a background chorus. He dipped his head and slid his feet along the grass, adding a little hop on the down beat. He was full of joy and happiness.
His mother and father thought he was awesome.
One day when Benny was practicing his dance moves and singing at the top of his lungs, a group of young giraffes heard his beautiful voice, and peeked from between the trees to see where the music was coming from. To their surprise, they were in for a very remarkable treat. There was Benny, the very short giraffe, singing and dancing, unaware of their presence. The giraffes listened and watched in astonishment. When Benny finished his song and dance, he saw a crowd had gathered around and heard the cheers. The giraffes pounded their feet and called for more. Before long, critters from all over joined in, shouting, “We want more! We want more!”
The very little giraffe with the very long name wanted to shy away from all this attention, but the gathering crowd kept urging him to dance and sing some more. Benny began to feel special, and to realize that not only did he have an interesting stature, a very long name and was able to climb trees, but he was great at singing and dancing. Benny said, “I have friends that love me, and I love myself.”
A poster appeared on a tree that night:
Every Saturday Night
are invited to a performance by
Benjamin Veritonicornishinko Evidocominko Oskichuk
An extraordinary giraffe
That will sing and dance his way into your heart