It was a hot summer’s day, so hot that paint was peeling off the chicken coop and Misty and Gisele were not happy about it.
“Can you believe the state of this place Gisele? Positively dreadful if you ask me.”
“I completely agree with you Misty. How do these people expect us to lay eggs in these conditions?”
“Quite right, Gisele, quite right. I am pretty sure my eggs are coming out hard boiled.”
“After scurrying around the pen this morning, mine might be scrambled!”
The two chickens cackled aloud at the preposterous idea that their eggs would come out cooked. Such a silly notion.
“I don’t know about you Gisele, but I cannot even function in this heat, and I am not about to sit here and watch the paint peel off.”
“What do you propose my dear? It sounds to me that you have an adventure in mind.”
“Oh, it is! It is daring and a little bit crazy. It is something neither of us have ever done. Are you up for becoming labelled as . . . rebellious?”
“Ooo, Misty you are positively dreadful, how can I possibly say no, now?” Gisele giggled. “Tell me what you need me to do.”
Misty cocked an eyebrow, closed her eyes in a suspicious manner, hunched over like she was hiding something under wing, and wobbled over to Gisele. “We are busting out of here, you see. You and me, sweetheart.”
“Stop, you must stop,” snickered Gisele. “You know I can’t resist a good break out.”
Misty, still hunched over, looked toward her left wing then her right, to see who might be listening. There was no one, so she leaned in toward Gisele one more time. “Dreyfuss the dog, he’ll be catching his z’s, you see. That’s when we do it, that’s when we break out of here. We got to be quick and silent like the grave, doll, or this plan can have us sleeping with the fishes. Capeesh?”
“Ooooo this sounds sinister. Where are we headed?”
“I thought we’s could head to the local swimming hole and dip our hocks. You in, slim?”
“Delightful, I’m in, let me lay this egg and pack a few items.”
Gisele perked her head up, stood up straight and shook off her gangster act. “What do you plan to pack? What would you need?”
“Umm . . . sunscreen, a towel, I am not a duck after all.”
Misty just shook her head.
Gisele popped out her egg, and grabbed her things. “Alright I am ready.”
Misty was already at the north end of the coop. That was where the ladies had already loosened the chicken wire. Misty lifted the wire high enough for Gisele to sneak under. When Gisele was clear, Misty shimmied underneath it herself.
ogether they quietly fluttered over to the fence. Misty checked over her shoulder for Dreyfuss’s whereabouts.
As the family bloodhound, Dreyfuss was trained to protect all that belonged to the family – including the chickens. It was like living with a fuzz – a copper – around every minute of the day. That dog could detect anything. He could sniff out a speck of dirt on a clean countertop. He could smell the rain the day before it arrived. He could tell when the chickens’ feed was getting low. If Misty and Gisele were not careful, Dreyfuss would be able to smell their absence. He was still on the deck, napping in the shade of the house.
Relieved, Misty turned back toward the fence. Gisele was already in position. This was not their first Great Escape. The two had broken free before.
Gisele tied a thin rope around Misty’s wing, and Misty did the same to Gisele. It was tight but it didn’t hurt.
Misty crouched low to the ground and created a cradle with her wings. She looked at Gisele and nodded.
Gisele in return put her left foot into Misty’s cradled wings.
“On three,” whispered Misty.
“One.” They bounced.
“Two.” They bounced again.
“Three!” They bounced and Misty threw her friend up and over the fence.
As Gisele cleared the other side of the fence and headed to the ground, the rope tying the girls together hoisted Misty off the ground and over the fence. They escaped!!!
They didn’t have a moment to spare. As they scurried down the fence line to the front of the house, they untied the rope and tucked it away.
Looking up, down, left and right for anything that could hurt them, they came to the front of the fence and pressed their backs against it.
“Remember Gisele, not a cluck!”
“No clucks will be given.”
Both ladies took a deep breath, for the next two blocks were going to be do or die. Wing in wing, Misty was about to lead the chickens across the front yard when they heard, “Going somewhere?”
Oh cluck.
They knew that voice. Soured and disappointed, they turned toward it. There was Dreyfuss. They were busted.
“Ladies, ladies, ladies, when are you going to learn? You can’t escape the snout.”
Gisele and Misty looked at each other rolling their eyes.
“Dreyfuss, it is too bloody hot out to stay in that coop. We will become fried chicken we don’t get out of there.”
“Perhaps, but why leave the yard. You know I am on patrol. You can’t just bust out of the big house.”
Misty’s eyes widened. “You heard me?”
Smirking, Dreyfuss shook his head showcasing his ears.
“I sure did. You can’t escape the ears.”
“Dreyfuss, come on. Don’t be such a drag – or worse a Poodle. We need to go cool off,” said Gisele.
“You ladies can’t swim. I thought chickens didn’t even like water,” said Dreyfus puzzled.
“What, like you have never wanted to try something new?” commented Misty. “Besides, we were only going to the paddle pool; it’s not deep enough to drown us. We can walk along the pool floor.”
“Do you mean the paddling pool next to Mr. Hopper’s Hot Dog stand?”
Misty and Gisele looked at each other, “Yes, why?”
Dreyfuss drooled thinking about the hot dogs, remembering how clumsy Mr. Hopper was when handling them.
“Come to think of it, a swim does sound nice. Hop on ladies - you just scored yourselves a taxi.”
Dreyfuss laid down on the ground and allowed the very hot chicks to climb onto his back. Then he stood up and headed toward the paddling pool.
“Oh, Misty, this breeze is fabulous.”
“I quite agree, Gisele. Thank you, Dreyfuss, for your assistance.”
“You are welcome. Just promise me you won’t give me any flack when I say it’s time to go. I have to report in, you know.”
“We won’t, I assure you,” said Gisele.
When they got to the paddling pool, Dreyfuss selected a shady spot under a tree that was near the pool and the hot dog stand. He lowered down and let Gisele and Misty hop off his back. Gisele pulled out her towel and laid it out and then rubbed some sunscreen on her beak. Misty just watched in disbelief.
Wing in wing, the ladies walked toward the paddling pool, a little bit nervous and a little bit excited. They had never been to the pool before, but today was the day they were going to be brave. They approached the edge and stood there.
“Let’s keep going,” said Misty.
And together they jumped in.
Misty and Gisele, who flew the coop and rode the dog, waded in the paddling pool, and had a wonderful time.