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Esther Niemi

We know you’re still out there, you nasty little varmint Drifting

along on the warm current of a chinook,

Swimming in puddles of melting snow,

And sheltering under grimy lumps of ice.

We feel you

Lurking in the leafless trees and shrubs,

Swirling around in the chill March wind,

And basking in the spring sun.

We see you

In the spaces between us,

In the tired eyes above our masks,

In our dry and peeling hands.

We remember one year ago today

When you were promoted to a Global Pandemic,

When you shut down the world

And stole our lives.

For twelve months we have felt helpless,

as you Controlled our movements,

Preyed on the vulnerable,

And shattered families.

Day after day, we marked time and grieved

As celebrations were cancelled,

Businesses failed,

And loved ones died alone.

We cannot calculate the cost

To our front line workers,

To our children,

To our planet.

But today, we will not congratulate you.

Today, we will celebrate our collective

Determination, Strength,

And resilience.

Because today, in spite of the damage you have done,

We are gathering our resources,

We are fighting back,

And we are rediscovering hope.


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